Meet & Greet
Business Afterwork in Zurich
22. September., 18:15 - 21:00 Uhr
Eden Au Lac, Utoquai 45,
8008 Zürich, Schweiz
Unsere regionale Gemeinschaft "Business Afterwork" soll Unternehmer, Unternehmensnachfolger, -gründer sowie junge Führungskräfte miteinander vernetzen. Unsere Absicht: sich kennenlernen, kennen, gekannt zu werden, Kontakte zu schliessen und Geschäftsbeziehungen untereinander aufzubauen und zu vertiefen.

Di., 01. Okt.

Zeit & Ort
01. Okt. 2019, 09:00
Über die Veranstaltung
Another training that won’t help?
Does this sound familiar to you? Another training is completed. You are excited and proud of yourself, but at the same time, you feel confused because you have no idea how to incorporate the obtained knowledge to your everyday life. After a few days, this lift of emotions is replaced by apathy because you start to notice that time passes but the results are being slow to appear.
The reason why we do not have the desired results is because we try to change our conscious part while being unattentive to our subconscious. Our beliefs are a valuable part of your subconscious mind. When the beliefs are limiting, they are preventing us from accepting new knowledge and achieving stellar results.
To make the life from our dreams to be true, we have to pay close attention to our beliefs about life, relationships, money. Particularly, we have to identify the limiting beliefs and replace them with new empowering ones.
How does it work?
All instruments are packed in blocks, where each block is composed of theoretical material and practical exercise with detailed instruction. Once a week you will get an email with the new block to review the theoretical part and to work on exercise.
The following topics will be explored:
- Where am I in my life right now
- What are my values
- What are my core needs
- How to build a resourceful state (happiness and more)
- How to find out what I want in life
- How to turn negative emotions into positive
- How to create a dream
- How to make my dreams come true
Investment: 120 USD/CHF
instead 180 USD/CHF
price goes up on September 27th, 2019
"I thoroughly enjoyed Anna's online course "How your state of mind affects productivity"! The 8-module course began with an interesting self-assessment of where I am in my life right now, and each subsequent module built logically on the previous topics. I benefited greatly from this unique and important course, which helped me articulate and further develop my values, goals, and ways to remain positive and focused on what is truly important for me - in my professional activities as well as in my personal life. I highly recommend working with Anna. She is a natural optimist with a warm character and strong training skills. Anna is also intelligent and insightful, and she has a genuine interest in helping people."
Randy H. Grodman, President at International Development Opportunities
You will receive instruments that will help you to recognize and alter your limiting beliefs. You will increase the level of your conscious and better understand your feelings and thoughts. Get sustainable results that will be part of your life.
120,00 CHFVerkauf beendet
0,00 CHF